Saturday, July 28, 2012

Past, Present and Future- The book of Daniel.

This is a Quick history lesson, according to the prophecies written in the book of Daniel.

Babylon (605BC-539BC): Babylon was seen as a head of fine gold” (Dan 2), and was also seen as a lion, who had eagle's wings (Dan 7).

Media-Persia (539BC-331BC): Media-Persia was seen as the breast and arms of silver (Dan 2). They were also seen as a bear (Dan 7), and also as a ram (Dan 8).

Greece (331BC-168BC): Greece was seen as the belly and thighs of brass (Dan 2). Greece was also seen as a leopard (Dan 7), and also as a goat (Dan 8).

Rome- (168 BC-476AD): Rome was seen as the legs of iron (Dan 2). Jesus was born during the reign of Rome.

“And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)”- Luke 2:1-2.

Daniel 11:20 also talks about this time of taxation. Cyrenius was the one who started it but he died shortly after.

Jesus was also crucified during the time of Rome (Dan 11:22- The prince of the covenant)
During the Roman Empire, John received Revelation regarding the great tribulation that was coming.

Divided Rome and the Papacy (The little horn): From 476 AD, to our present time. Divided Rome was seen as the feet mixed with iron and clay (Dan 2). Rome was also seen as the dreadful and terrible beast (again, Dan 7).

Within the Great Tribulation:
Now in 538 AD (Dan 11:31), the Papacy came into full power. The daily sacrifices were taken away, but then the Papacy was fully established (Daniel 11:31). The Papacy took the place of God and even changed God’s laws, declaring Sunday to be the day of gathering for holy convocation (A large formal assembly, especially one specifically convened), instead of the Sabbath (Saturday), which is according to scripture. They also omitted the commandment which stated, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images (Ex 20:4), and have incorporated Jesus in the symbolism of the pagan sun god, which Yah spoke against, in Ezek 8:15-16 that talks about the abomination of the sun god worship.

The Papacy’s power was from 538 to 1798 (1260 years). During this time, the “Holy” Roman Empire, led by the Papacy, killed over 50 million people who didn’t bow to their system (Daniel 11:32-33). The people that suffered were the ones who had to flee to the wilderness, according to Revelation 12.

 A break within the Great Tribulation:

In 1798 (Daniel 11:34-35), Napoleon, during the time of reformation, sent his general after the pope, and the pope was locked up. God’s people received help and their days of tribulation was shortened (Mathew 24:22 & Dan 11: 34). The Papacy received a deadly wound (Revelation 13:3).

Review of the 2300 Day (years) Prophecy (Dan 8, 9):

·         The 2300 years prophecy began in 457 BC, which was the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Ezra 7:1-27).

·         457 BC- 27AD, was 483 years (7 weeks & 62 weeks prophecy): Baptism of Jesus took place.
·         27AD- 31AD, was 3 ½ years (Middle of the one week prophecy): The Prince, Jesus, established the covenant when He died on the cross.

·         31AD- 34AD, was 3 ½ years (The second half of the one week prophecy): Between this time, Jesus rose again, many saw him, and the gospel continued to spread to the Jews.

·         34AD- 538: In 34AD, which was the 490th year out of the 2300 years prophecy, Stephen was stoned (Acts 7:59). A little after, Paul became a believer and the gospel was now being preached to the Gentiles. How often should I forgive my brother?... 70 x 7 times, which is 490 years (Matt 18:21-22). God forgave the Jews for 490 years and then He began focusing on the Gentiles. Later on, around 65- 66AD, John receives revelation regarding a great tribulation to come. In 70AD, the people representing another prince, which is after our Prince Jesus, destroyed the earthly sanctuary. This was the beginning of a tribulation period.

·         538- 1798, was 1260 years (A dark time within the great tribulation): The dark ages of Papal Supremacy. Over 50 million people killed for not bowing to their beast (system).
·         1798- 1844: In 1798, Pope Pius VI was captured by the French general and the great tribulation was shortened. 1844 was the end of the 2300 years prophecy and the sanctuary in heaven was cleansed (Jesus, our High Priest went from the outer courts into the inner courts for us, completing the final process… “I go to prepare a place for you”).

The resurrected “Holy” Roman Empire:

·         1929- 20?? : In 1929, The Papacy regained power, and they will continue to gain more and more power, until the return of the Messiah.

Power of the Pope, which was re-established:

Roman Catholic commentary, Lucius Ferraris, prompta bibliotheca, vol 2: “The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God, and he acts in the place of God upon earth, with the fullest power of binding and loosing his sheep.”
Pope Nicolas the 1st, as cited in the papacy and the civil power: “It is evident that the pope cannot be bound or unbound by any earthly power, nor even by that of the apostle (Peter), if he should return upon the earth; Since Constantine the great has recognized that the pontiffs held the place of God upon earth, divinity not being able to be judged by any living man. We are then infallible, and whatever may be our acts we are not accountable for them but to ourselves.”

Pope Leo XIII, the great encyclical letters: “But the supreme teacher in the church is the roman Pontiff (pope). Union of minds therefore, requires together with a perfect accord with the one faith, complete submission and obedience of will to the church and the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.”

The pope is the little horn who has no desire for women (Dan 11:37). He sits on the beast, which is the “Holy” Roman Empire. They worship the sun god, and they worship the mother of god (the mother of their sun god). The mother is the one who rides the beast. The sun god (Ezek 8:14, Tammuz) was born on December 25th, and Tammuz is now seen as their Messiah, Jesus. This is why many Christians are deceived into celebrating the day of the sun god Tammuz (Dec 25th).

(Jesus was born/tabernacle with us, during the feast of Tabernacles- late September, early October)

The near future: (Actually, some of this is already taking place now)

The king of the South (Originated in Egypt- worshipers of the moon god- Islam leadership) will push against the King of the North ( Originated in Rome- worshipers of the sun god- Christianity- Catholic leadership), but the king of the south will not be able to stand against the king of the north.
The king of the North will gain great control and will also have power over the gold and silver (history repeating itself, as the king of the north tries to gain complete control, like they did in 538AD)

Further explanation regarding the Kings of the north and south:

The king of the north verses the king of the south is Christianity verses Islam. When I say Christianity, I’m speaking of the pagan Christianity movement. They became unequally yoked with pagan worship. Christianity changed God’s day of gathering to Sunday, which is a day after the Sabbath, and Islam changed God’s day to Friday which is a day before the Sabbath. This is another symbolism of one King moving north from God’s law/instruction and another king moving south from God’s law/instruction. When you also look at a geographic map that shows the religions of the world, you’ll notice that Islam is mainly south of Israel and Christianity is north of Israel. A religious geographic map will also show you that the Christian religion is more dominant worldwide. This is the reason why the king of the south will not prevail against the king of the north (God is against both of these religions that has changed His laws). Islam acknowledges the real Messiah in the Koran, yet they’ve replaced him with Muhammad. Christianity acknowledges the real Messiah in the Bible, yet they’ve replaced him with the Pope. We saw an example, regarding the Pope being placed as the head of the church. In April 2008, the pope came to the US and many church leaders from various Christian denominations came to show reverence to him. I’ll spare you the details of all the church leaders that came and bowed to the Pope.

Now throughout history there’s been an Elite group who manipulates the fights between the king of the north and the king of the south, as well as other fights. They always make a profit. They feel as if they’re completely in control, using people and their religion as puppets. They don’t realize that God (Yahuwah) is above them all, and they are fulfilling His prophecy, which is according to the book of Daniel and Revelation.

King of the south, Islam time-line:

670AD they rose into great power, and eventually fought against the king of the north, which gave room for the reformation to take place against the king of the north. In 1840 the Islamic kingdom lost power; then in 1970 they regained power, and will continue to grow in power, until the Christian kingdom over powers them.

King of the north, Pagan Christianity time-line:

538AD rose into great power and then received a deadly wound in 1798AD. Then in 1929 they rose back into power, and will continue to be in power until the return of the Messiah.

The Return of the Messiah: The last trumpet

The Great Stone- Jesus is seen as the great stone, made without hands (Dan 2). This stone, in the future, will come (the second coming) and crush the statue (Babylon- head, Media-Persia: Breast and arms, Greece- Belly and thighs, Rome- Legs, and Divided Rome- Feet, which is the last part of the Babylonian reign).
At the sound of the last trumpet, the Messiah will return and the great Tribulation will finally be over. Dan 12- The Messiah returns with his angels and gathers all of God’s people… 1st the dead in Christ, people such as Daniel (Dan 12:13), will rise and 2nd, the rest who are still alive on earth will be caught up/ gathered with them. All those throughout history, that believed and accepted Jesus (They are resting- Abraham’s bosom), will be raised on the last day (John 6:40, 44, 54). After the Messiah gathers his people, he will annihilate the final phase of Babylon.

***Side note- Hebrews 11 & 12, “Clouds” of witnesses doesn’t mean heaven. However there is a group, similar to Enoch and Elijah, who were directly chosen from the great tribulation, as God’s first fruits***

Mountain (Dan 2), Kingdom of God: After Babylon completely falls, the heavenly Jerusalem will come down to earth. We will have a new heaven and a new earth, and we will remain on earth with the Messiah who will then give us the kingdom (wealth of the wicked laid up for the just).  

Our focus should not be, to prepare God’s people to reign in heaven. Our focus should be, to prepare God’s people to reign on earth. Jesus went to prepare for us, and what He has prepared, will come down to us. We will have a new heaven and a new earth and we will reign ON earth.

New Lewi 
Inspirational music

Friday, July 20, 2012

Who Runs The World, part 3

Let's get off Obama's case and move on to Osama. Did you know that our government funded Osama?... And did you know that 9/11 was not done by Osama but was actually done by our own government? Osama was the scape goat! But yet everybody cheers when they heard about the death of Osama, and the real killers are still alive. smh
Please do not tell me you still think the planes were the result of the twin towers' being completely destroyed... The planes were a distraction. There has been evidence that there were bombs in the basement that exploded, which caused the twin towers to fall demolition style. Do you remember the world trade center bombing in 1993?... Bombs in the basement?!... Well, this time they made sure they had more than enough bombs to take the towers down... Not Planes!!!
1993 bombing was like a test run. What about building 7? That building also came down, demolition style... The planes didn't hit that building! So how did it come down?!... Explosives in the basement.

Let's jump to another subject and quickly talk about the wonderful right to vote in the Presendential election...

"Those who vote, decide nothing. Those who count the votes, decide everything."-  Josef Stalin, Russian Dictator

The private bankers has the power to, not count your vote, if they want to...
 It no longer matters if you are a democtrat or republican. The government owns both parties and the government is a slave to the Federal Reserve, which is operated by the private bankers. People are fighting over who should be elected, while the private bankers are laughing because they already decided who will be elected.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a goverment by free opinion, no longer a goverment by conviction, and the vote of the majority, but a goverment by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, 1919

During the last Presidential election, I prayed to God about who I should vote for. He said, "Don't vote for Obama, but Obama will be President." Huh?!... I didn't understand, but then after the election, I started doing some research... I felt this burning desire to study what's going on in and outside of our country... My research further confirms that the Word of God is the only foundation we can trust... Seriously!
I still remember when I heard someone say,"Those who didn't vote for Obama are idiots..."
You ever had someone running his/her mouth about something and you know you have the power to completely make that person look like a fool?... I had to fight the temptation... I didn't even waste my breathe, trying to explain.

There is so much hype of 2012 and the Mayan calender... Now the mayans didn't say the world would end in 2012. What the Mayans predicted was that our current age would end and a new age would begin... New World Order.
The Mayans. through satanic rituals, received satan's plan for the world.
The Luciferian elite desires to have population reduction because it will be easier to get everyone chipped if we have a smaller population.
This is something that one of the Rockefeller's admitted to Aaron Russo.

In an animated cartoon called The Boondocks, it shows President Obama on TV... The President stated that he and his family will be safe in an undergorund hideout but as for you (The people) you're going to go through some tough times... Then the guy watching the TV says, "We're gonna die, and starts crying."

The goverment is preparing for a catostrophic event and has built secret under ground hideouts. A designer for under ground hideouts, told his interviewers some clues that lead them to the Denver airport. The Denver airport seems to have the largest underground hideout; and the most shocking thing about the airport is that they have, in the airport, art work that shows people being protected underground and many others dying above ground. This artwork is ignored by the thousands of travelers but yet the artwork is in plain sight.

A retired air force cardinal shows an interviewer an underground hideout... The interviewer asked,"What would happen in the even that... Hundreds of Thousands of people storm the gates, trying to get in?... Are your security forces prepared to fire on American citizens to protect the facility?" His responce,"Umm... They're trained to protect this facility."

What catostrophic event is coming our way? Why are there undergound facilities being built by the government?
Did you know that Hurricane Katrina was man made?... The Earthquake in Haiti also man made?... And many others were also man made. Have you ever heard of H.A.A.R.P?
The US Goverment has a high voltage machine... If they point it down to the earth, they can actually cause earthquakes, which can also cause a Tsunami; And when they point it up in the sky, they can cause hurricanes and other strange weathers to accure. Not only that, they can also target it to a particular place in the world... Talk about playing God.

What is the ultimate goal?... One World Government... 

No, I'm not trying to scare ya! All I'm saying is that, relying on the world's system will only lead you to death. God has a better plan for your life. In these last days he wants YOU to be the solution for those who are lost.
GOD WILL PROVIDE!... But YOU need to stop playing church and get serious! People are being set up to fail, and you can do something about it.

If you have time to watch, here is part 1 out of 3 videos, that will touch on some of the things I spoke about... Very enlightening!

If you want to watch what Aaron Russo Produced... Here you go!

During WWII, Franklin D. Roosevelt by executive order, ordered the detention of  American citizens. They were of japanese decent, but they were all American citizens... Over 100,000 American citizens were detained by the government.

Concentration Camps, similar to what America had during WWII, are already built all over the country.