Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Irene Part 2

There are many things that happened behind closed doors as the media focuses on the clean up of Hurricane Irene. I will take the time to just expose one of those things that took place.

World Net Daily
By Bob Unruh

Announcing it's "not her lucky day," a federal judge in Washington, D.C., has told an eligibility attorney he has dismissed her case demanding information from the Social Security Administration regarding President Obama's Social Security Number, sought because of suspicions it may be fraudulent.
The case was filed by California attorney Orly Taitz, who has brought many of the major court challenges to Obama's eligibility based on a lack of evidence that he meets the U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural-born citizen."

The case at hand was filed against the Social Security Administration because Obama's number indicates a Connecticut residency, yet there is no evidence he ever lived in the state. He claims he grew up in Hawaii and apparently had a Social Security Number there, as he reported he worked in a Honolulu ice-cream shop.
The judge, Royce Lamberth, credited Taitz for her dedication to her cause but said that "today is not her lucky day."

He concluded that there's no real interest in determining whether the Obama Social Security Number is genuine or fraudulent, arguing that the need for privacy for the president trumps all else.
"The SSA explained that the Privacy Act of 1974 ... protects the personal information of social security number holders," he wrote. "The SSA determined ... the plaintiff had identified no public interest that would be served by disclosure.
"Plaintiff makes no secret of her intention to use the redacted Form SS-5 to identify the holder of social security number xxxx-xxx-4425 – or, as plaintiff puts it, to confirm her suspicion that the president is fraudulently using that number," the judge wrote.
But Lamberth wrote in the case against Michael Astrue, Social Security commissioner, that whether Obama is using a fake number isn't his concern.
"Even if plaintiff's allegations were true, an individual's status as a public official does not, as plaintiff contends, 'make exemption 6 irrelevant to him and his vital records.'"
He said he would "disregard" documents from the Selective Service and the Social Security Number Verification System suggesting there are problems with Obama's number, because he "concludes" they were obtained "under false pretenses."
Taitz told WND she is submitting a motion for reconsideration based on new evidence that includes an affidavit from an individual who obtained a government affirmation that the number Obama is using doesn't match his name.
She said it is important to the public, because it could provide evidence of fraudulent IRS returns, fake election documents and Social Security fraud, should the allegations prove accurate.

Taitz also has filed a state court action on similar grounds in Hawaii, where there had been a hearing scheduled in September on orders from a federal judge to address the state's refusal to comply with a subpoena for Obama's original birth documentation.
Her Petition for Writ of Mandamus, if granted, would require the state Department of Health to turn over to her the original 1961 Obama birth records the agency has kept from the American public.
A mandamus action compels an official or government officer to perform a duty demanded by the petitioner.
Taitz filed 48 pages of pleadings and exhibits before Circuit Court Judge Rhonda Nishimura.
It is separate from the Astrue case, which she said would be appealed.
Taitz has maintained that by releasing his long-form birth certificate to the American public on April 27, Obama has waived all privacy restrictions that would prevent the Hawaii DOH from making public the original 1961 birth records the agency has on file.
"I decided to file the state case for mandamus because this is a separate case that stands on its own," Taitz told WND.
Taitz charged that if the long-form birth certificate the White House released on April 27 is not on file in a 1961 original copy in the Hawaii DOH, then a criminal felony has been committed.
"I don't believe there is any 1961 typewritten birth certificate document for Obama on file in the Hawaii DOH that looks anything like what the White House released," she asserted. "Why else would the Hawaii DOH fight me so hard to keep us from seeing whatever birth records are on file?"

Question for you...If this kind of news was televised to the masses, do you think Orly Taitz would have a better chance in court?
The media wanted to make sure she didn't have the "power of the people" on her side.

New Lewi
Inspirational Music

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene

The Adam's family Hollywood movie, which was released back in 1991, had an interesting scene. It showed the character, Gordon, using a magical book as a weapon. The name of the book was hurricane Irene... The result... The victims felt the impact of the hurricane and fell into coffins. Then it shows two kids with shovels, ready to bury them. The boy says, "Are they dead?" and the girl replies,"Does it matter?!"

Have you ever seen the movie Deep Impact? In that movie it has a scene where the newscaster was talking about a hurricane. Now take a guess, what was the name of the hurricane?...
Irene... That's right!

As I stated in my previous blog, "their" goal is to establish a one world goverment and one of their tricks is to create a disaster and then bring in a solution or type of messiah to the rescue. They do not care for the people. They care for completing the tower of babel... The Pyramid on the US dollar bill... In GOD we trust... Who is there GOD?... Gold, Oil, and Drugs. I might talk more about that in another blog... Everyone will be focused on this man made (H.A.A.R.P) hurricane, while they execute a plan under our noses, that brings us closer to their goal.
The earthquake in Haiti was man made... The disaster in Japan... Hurricane Katrina, and others... They're all apart of a one world goverment plan, which includes a depopulation plan.

God (Yhwh, the true and living God) has given us the power of words and we need to come in agreement and speak against this hurricane. Don't focus on the problem. Be aware of it, speak against it, and prepare. Preparing doesn't mean you don't have faith. Preparing means that you're always ready to be used to help others who are not prepared :-)
See yourself as the solution... providing for others... When you are preparing, don't prepare in fear. Be led by the Holy Spirit, and be ready to serve . If other believers are offering to help and you need help... Receive it!!!
Yahshua (Jesus) said, "who is greater, the one who sits at the table, or the one who serves?... Is it not the one who sits at the table?... But I come as the one who serves."
Love is the answer for all things, so let us deliver this solution to the people.

New Lewi
Inspirational Music

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Who Runs The World?! part 2

 "The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better World to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." - Sir Josiah Stamp, former director of The Bank of England.

"We are greatful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of descretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the World if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto- determination practiced in the past centuries." - David Rockefeller, Private banker, Council of Foreign Relations, June 1991.

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." - Felix Frankfurter, US Supreme Court Justice.

 I've heard so many people argue about what President Obama is, or is not doing. What they fail to realize is that Obama is just a puppet being used. He's following instructions from the private bankers "Who Runs The World!"... Do you remember when you heard rumors about possible assassination attempts on Obama? Well that was a warning to President Obama, that if he doesn't follow instructions, like Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy, he too can be taken out of the way.

I briefly spoke about the Bush Family... I'll also share a little bit about our current President...
There's been so much talk regarding Obama's eligibility...
The birth certificate which President Obama showed to the world, was analyzed by professionals who proved that his birth certificate is fake... But you don't hear that all over the news, do you?
Instead, what you heard, was the capture of Osama Bin Laden right after Obama released his fake birth certificate... I wonder why?!

VERY QUIETLY OBAMA'S CITIZENSHIP CASE REACHES SUPREME COURT... Now you would think that kind of news would be all over the media, but it's not...
Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College, indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California.
The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program.
From 2003-2008, members of congress made 8 attempts, to change the eligibility requirement for presidency. They wanted to change the requirement as to what it means to be a natural born citizen. They were not able to change it, which is why there's been such a fight in regards to his eligibility...
Yes, I am aware that they're people who don't like him because of the color of his skin; And the private bankers are happily using this as a reason to keep his eligibility on a hush.
I wouldn't be surprised if they use President Obama to once again be a hero, using him to be the saviour of our economy, providing a temporary solution that will make everyone happy. This will cause people to turn a blind eye to his eligibility, and set him up to be re-elected for 2012.
President Bush was re-elected, after they showed a recording of an Osama look alike, who stated that he was responsible for 9/11, even though there were documented proof that stated Osama was killed in December 2001... The private bankers will play every trick card they can... They got the, "Say you are a Christian" card. They got the, "be a patriot" card, and they got the, "you are a racist if you think Obama is not eligible" card.

Obama Care...
A U.S. appeals court, recently ruled that President Barack Obama's healthcare law requiring Americans to buy healthcare insurance or face a penalty was unconstitutional, a blow to the White House... We'll see how the private bankers will try to work around this one...
The reason why I brought up the ObamaCare is because this health care plan is very similar to Adolf Hitler's heath care plan... Seriously!
I also want you to see what's going on...
We had Presidents who were established by their Father/Grandpa, who was a secret agent for Hitler, and now we have the Obama care that's similar to Adolf Hitler's heathcare... Are you seeing a pattern yet?
If you take the time to study what happened in Germany, leading up to Adolf Hitler coming into power, it will give you an idea of what's going on in America...
George Scherff, Sr transformed into Prescott Bush...
Barry Soetoro transformed into Barack Hussein Obama...
Yes "WE" (The corporation running the country) Can!
President Obama was never talking about "WE" the people.

In 2012, we had someone who refused to be a puppet, Ron Paul, but the globalist bankers made sure some of his votes were not counted. They wanted to make sure that their two puppets were running against each other.

New Lewi
Inspirational Music

Friday, August 12, 2011

Who Runs The World?! part 1

 Film producer Aaron Russo, died of bladder cancer on August 24, 2007 at age 64. Before his death, which some say is apart of a conspiracy, Aaron produced the most important document he's ever done. It's called "America: Freedom to Fascism." In this movie, Aaron's goal at first, was to investigate the rights and wrongs, regarding the taxes, we the citizens, should or should not pay. Mr Russo had no idea what he was getting into, but what he found out, was truly astounding...

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe

"Those who vote, decide nothing. Those who count the votes, decide everything."-  Josef Stalin, Russian Dictator

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." - Mayer Rothschild, Private Banker

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a goverment by free opinion, no longer a goverment by conviction, and the vote of the majority, but a goverment by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, 1919 (Did you read what he just said?)

"The government works for a private bank and the private bank works for its owners." - Catherine Austin Fills, Former Asst. Secretary of Housing

"If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency... The banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conguered." - Thomas Jefferson

"Who controls money controls the World." - Henry Kissinger, Council on Foreign Relations

"The constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper." - George W Bush, Nov 2005, Capital Hill Blue (LOL... Funny, but not funny)

Speaking of "Bush," let me give you a little history about the Bush family.
There was a man by the name of George Scherff, Sr. who illegally generated money under the alias name, Prescott Bush. George Scherff, who was an illegal German immigrant (and one of Hitler's agent), was affiliated with the freemasons, and he was given this new identity, in order to fulfill his mission.
He won the political office of Senator of Connecticut in 1954, and his son and grandson became US Presidents, despite his massive treason that is listed on public record.
Perhaps I'll talk about that in more details, another time... 

The goal for one world goverment, has been a long time mission. It goes all the way back to the tower of babel, listed in the Bible. WWII, Hitler, like so many others who were in the spotlight, were just puppets carrying out instructions. Throughout history, there's been a rise and fall of new world orders; and in our time, history will once again repeat itself. Will this up coming new world order be the last? We're now living in a time where, because of the advancement of technology, we can actually implant a micro chip into a human being...
"And Causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead: And that no man may buy or sell, except one who has the mark... - Revelation 13:16-17

Carl Sanders was one of the designers of the RFID chip that is now being planted in human beings. Carl stated that, at the time, he wasn't a Christian, but he was told not to read the book of Revelation, which he thought was very strange but it didn't matter to him because the government gave him and his team a lot of money and he wasn't a believer of the Bible anyway. As they created the chip, they found out that the best places for the chip to operate, is in the forehead or in the hand (WOE!!!).
Long story short, he eventually read the book of Revelation and was blown away with how prophetic the Bible was... He became a believer and has shared his testimony at various Christian events...

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." - Paul Walburg, Council on Foreign Relations and architect of the Federal Reserve System... in a address to the U.S senate 2/17/1950.

Aaron Russo had a goal to unite the people and to shut down the Federal Reserve, which is run by the private bankers.
President John F. Kennedy, on June 4, 1963, signed Executive Order 11110, which legally abolished the Federal Reserve. On November 22, 1963 he was assassinated... I wonder why?

"The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adapting these principles will save the tax-payers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity." - Abraham Lincoln (Who was, by the way, murdered... I wonder why?)

R.I.P Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy. These guys were truly for the people.

New Lewi
Inspirational Music