Monday, June 13, 2011

"Novus Ordo Seclorum"

NOVUS means new, young, novel, or renewed.
ORDO means order, row, or series.
SECLORUM means ages, generations, or centuries.

This is part 1 of 2 videos. You can also click on part 2

President George Bush sr, for the first time, announced the New World Order on September 11th, 1991.
His son, eventually became President and continued in his father's foot steps. Many citizens were still unsatisfied. They were desperate for a change and one man came, promising to bring change...

In 1990, a card game was created. The name of the card game is, "Illuminati: New World Order. The card game reveals various plans such as, Destroying the twin towers, and the Pentagon... Did I mention this card game was created in 1990?! There were other plans such as, World hunger, controlling the recording industry, controlling the media, Fast food chains, oil spill, and population deduction.
We, not too long ago had an oil spill and the weird thing is that the chief  executive and CEO of BP, along with many other big time traders, sold hundred of millions in BP stocks, before the incident
occurred... It's as if they knew what was going to happen.
Population reduction:There is a stone monument in Elberton Georgia that proudly shows their plan to keep the World population under a certain amount. You can actually go and read it for yourself.

The card game also reveals a future event... You ready!...
Alien Invasion...
Don't believe me?... In the news, there's been talks about people seeing weird lights in the sky that look like UFO's.
When will this alien invasion occur? Well, what year seems to be the most popular year approaching?... According to the media... 2012!
In 2012, many alien believers will feel satisfied to know they're right. In 2012 (Dec 2012), many followers of Satan are looking forward to their master revealing himself... All the pagan calanders line up. In 2012, many will be led astray in thinking that this "alien" is the Messiah.
You know what the Word says... Don't believe it!!!!!"

A former empoyee of Area 51 called into a radio station stating that...
"What people will think are aliens, are actually Extra dimensional Beings that earlier researchers made contact with... They're not what they proclaimed to be... The government knows about them..."
The caller also says, "There are safe havens that the government can take people to, but they won't because they want to reduce the population so that they can better control those who remain...
The caller was suddenly cut off, and the station was temporarily taken off the air.

Dollar dollar bill ya'll! The american one dollar bill has, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means, New World Order. It also shows a pyramid with the all seeing eye. Their goal is to finish building the tower of Babel... The eye (false messiah) is the final stage.

Now I'll ask you this question (s)... When President Obama says, "Yes we can," who is he referring to? Who are the "We?" in his statement?  Is he for the people, or is he for the "corporation?"
Yes "WE" can, bring the change that "WE" desire to see.

Yhwh, I pray for President Obama and his family. I declare salvation over their lifes. I declare protection. I ask that you thrust the perfect laborers accross their path, in Yahshua's name.

New Lewi
Inspirational Music

Friday, June 3, 2011

Celebrities crying out part 2

This video is part 1 of 3. You can also watch parts 2 and 3...

Many former satanist worshippers have received the Messiah and some even risk their lifes, exposing the evil...
There are many followers of Satan who feel that there master was misunderstood.
Many followers of Satan wear crosses because they see it as a form of blasphemy. Satan wants his followers to deride Christ.
One of Satan's goal is to destroy the Bible without burning it.
Charles Darwin was personally tutored by the fallen Lucifer.

Rap artists such as, Jay Electronica and 50 cent are giving in to satanic agreements and even express it through their music. Both of these artists know that it is the wrong choice, but they've made the decision, deciding to deal with the consequences later because they've tried to be successful without selling their souls but they got tired of the struggle.
Joe Budden is another artist who's been tired of the struggle but he, along with others, still chooses not to sell his soul.
Artists like Bob Dylan, Kate Perry, during their interviews, even stated they sold their souls to the devil.
Jay Z's personal engineer, Young Guru, also spoke about artists being slaves to a higher power. "when you sign a contract, you ask to become a slave..."

"I sacrificed my life for this hip hop shit. I put my real life on hold. If I could do it over, I would have went to school. Got me a reg job."- Rapper, Bow Wow.

Rapper, The Game stated on twitter that the illuminati is real and that they're killing everybody... He then says,"and since I'm drunk I might as well tell ya'll: Illuminati killed Bob Marley, Big, Pac and Michael Jackson... After this tweet I might be next."

Lupe Fiasco was given the option to sign a 360 deal (a 360 deal is a contract that gives the label the right to own everything you do, even if they were not apart of you building a particular business... Even if it has nothing to do with music). Lupe Decided not to take the deal and as a result, the label decided not to promote and market his music. Lupe, even though he's signed to a label, had to take his own money, to promote his music.
Lupe fights back through his music, exposing the evil that's going on in the music industry. During one of his performance on The Letterman Show, Lupe says, "No New World Order."... boldly showing people where he stands. I pray for his protection. Many other artists in the past, lashed out against the evil and lost their lifes because of it. I pray that the artists that are lashing out now, will find the true answer, which is only in the Messiah, who died for ALL men.

New Lewi
Inspirational Music